About Renovaré

About Renovaré

Introducing Renovaré

Richard foster mountains

In 1978, Richard J. Foster first published a book called Celebration of Discipline, which led to a widespread ministry of speaking and teaching on spiritual formation. This led to the foundation of Renovaré in November 1988. He has since authored over 60 arti­cles and six books, includ­ing Streams of Living Water, Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home and Cel­e­bra­tion of Dis­ci­pline, hailed by many as the best mod­ern book on Chris­t­ian spir­i­tu­al­i­ty. Richard lives in Denver, Colorado and con­tin­ues to write on the spir­i­tu­al life.

Dallas Willard

Dr. Dallas Willard was Pro­fes­sor of Phi­los­o­phy at The Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia and an ordained min­is­ter who spoke at church­es and Chris­t­ian orga­ni­za­tions world­wide. Along with Richard, Dallas was a found­ing mem­ber of Ren­o­varé. He wrote, among oth­ers, The Divine Conspiracy, Renovation of the Heart, Hearing God and Life Without Lack. Dal­las is sur­vived by his wife Jane, son John, daugh­ter and son-in-law Becky and Bill Heat­ley, and grand­daugh­ter Laris­sa, who con­tin­ue his lega­cy and work.

Through conferences, retreats, publications, podcasts, books and spiritual formation groups, Renovaré continues to teach, model and advocate for a deeper life with God, kingdom living and becoming more like Christ. Since Renovaré US was founded in 1988, local expressions of Renovaré have sprung up around the world. Renovaré (Britain and Ireland) was established in 2001.

Renovaré (Britain and Ireland):

Rob Hare

Rob Hare (Director)

Rob is Operations Lead, Bible Engagement Team at Bible Society and creator of Bible Society's Lyfe resources. He is a graduate of Westminster Theological Centre and the Renovaré Institute for Spiritual Formation (Denver, Colorado Cohort).

Andy Malcolm

Andy Malcolm

Andy is the Adviser for work with Young People at Salisbury Diocese. He is committed to seeing spiritual formation take root in the lives of young people.

James Catford

James Catford

James Catford had a career in commercial publishing before leading the British Bible Society for fourteen years. A fomer Chair of Renovaré Britian & Ireland and Renovaré US, he now serves as Chair of the Center for Christianity and Public Life in Wshington D.C. and is literary advisor to the Dallas Willard estate. James lives in Somerset with his wife Sue, a former journalist and TV anchor.

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Alan Abernethy (Chair)

Bishop Alan Abernethy retired as Church of Ireland Bishop of Connor in Dec 2019. He is passionate about discipleship, spirituality and mission.

Gordon Cotterill

Gordon Cotterill

Gordon is a Salvation Army Officer at a church in Sutton. He is also a former Spiritual Programme Director at William Booth College.

Ali Headshot

Alison Thomas Steer

Alison is a graduate of the Renovaré Institute for Spiritual Formation (Boston Cohort). She currently works for the NHS.

Roy Bio

Roy Searle

Roy is one of the founders of the Northumbria Community. A former President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain Roy is a leadership mentor, spiritual director, pioneer ambassador, writer, retreat leader and an associate of The Commons Network https://www.thecommonsnetwork.com and The Northumbrian Collective https://northumbrian.org