A retreat hosted jointly by Renovaré Britain & Ireland (renovare.org.uk) and the Launde Abbey community (laundeabbey.org.uk)
Contemplative and charismatic churches look, on the surface, to be poles apart: one tradition emphasises silence and reflection, the other leans more into energetic worship and spiritual gifts. But at heart they both emphasise an intimate, direct relationship with God through the Spirit. They’re like two very different streams flowing into a shared lake.
In this Rooted and Grounded retreat we’ll be taking time to explore these two streams in depth. As always, we’ll tap into the rich wisdom and experience of a wide variety of thinkers and practitioners, past and present. We’ll take time to find rest and refreshment in prayer, worship, silence and rest. And we’ll explore a wide range of spiritual practices you can take away with you to deepen your life of faith.
This retreat is open to anyone who wishes to participate, but it does assume you have a good understanding of the Renovaré teaching about spiritual formation — either through taking part in a previous Rooted and Grounded retreat, or in a similar Renovare event, or from study of Richard Foster’s Streams of Living Water. If this material is new or unfamiliar, why not consider coming on our next Rooted and Grounded retreat in October 2025?