About Spiritual Formation

About Spiritual Formation

Spiritual formation is simply the process of becoming more like Jesus Christ. The combination of intentional activities (practices), in step with the power of the Holy Spirit, over time, enables us to become more like Jesus.

Change really is possible, and change on the inside will make a difference on the outside. We will find ourselves naturally responding to life as Jesus would if he was living our lives.

Running a marathon, playing an instrument, or learning a new language begins with training methodically and purposefully. They can’t be achieved simply by trying harder. It is the same with our spiritual lives. As we intentionally work with the habits and practices of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, an interior transformation starts to take place. We are far from perfect but we are making progress in becoming more like Jesus.

'Spiritual formation in the tradition of Jesus Christ is the process of transformation of the inmost dimension of the human being, the heart, which is the same as the spirit or will. It is being formed (really, transformed) in such a way that its natural expression comes to be the deeds of Christ done in the power of Christ.' (Dallas Willard)

Key to the journey of spiritual formation is growing together. Check out these short videos to discover more about our Spiritual Formation Groups and our book Life Streams

Introducing Renovaré Spiritual Formation Groups

Introducing Renovaré Spiritual Formation Groups

In the company of others, Spiritual Formation Groups help us discover and practice what Jesus said and did. Watch this short film to find out more.

Hosting Renovaré Spiritual Formation Groups

Hosting Renovaré Spiritual Formation Groups

Spiritual Formation Groups consist of 2-8 people and are based on our book, Life Streams. Watch this short film to find out more.

Growing a Renovaré Spiritual Formation Group

Growing a Renovaré Spiritual Formation Group

Spiritual Formation Groups encourage us to do life with God together, as we do so, we become more like Jesus. Watch this short film to find out more.